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Elders/Deacons Forum Recap

Restoration Church

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

Every so often, Restoration Institute will be offering a learning event called a Forum. Forums seek to give a high-level overview of a particular topic followed by open dialogue answering questions about the topic. Whether or not you were able to join us for our first-ever Restoration Church Forum, let me recap the discussion.  

Our first forum focused on Elders and Deacons. Who are they? What do they do? And should I be one? I can only answer the first two questions according to the Scriptures and how we apply them at Restoration Church. The third question is for you to wrestle with while asking the Lord what He desires you to do. 

As far as role of Elders & Deacons, we see in the Scriptures that these are the two biblical offices of the New Testament Church. The Elders are called, qualified men who meet the qualifications detailed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The Deacons are called, qualified men or women who meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 

According to these qualifications, Restoration Church distinguishing the responsibilities of these two offices in this way: 

1. Elders serve the church by leading. They do this by: 

  • Feeding the flock 

  • Leading the flock 

  • Protecting the flock 

  • Caring for the flock 

2. Deacons lead the church by serving. They do this by: 

  • Spotting and meeting practical needs 

  • Protecting and promoting church unity 

  • Serving and supporting the ministry of the Elders 

Are you feeling led to serve in one of these roles? If yes, I would encourage you to reach out to one of the current Elders or Deacons. If not, that’s great too, but we ask that you hold our leaders accountable to lead and serve in the way that God has called us to do so. 



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