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The Household

Restoration Church

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor over it in vain…” Psalm 127:1 


On any given Sunday when walking into Restoration Church you will be met with the laughter and joy of children of all ages running around and filling the space with noise. Hearing these sounds and seeing the faces of so many little ones is the sign of a young and thriving body. We, as the people of God, have been blessed with the opportunity to shepherd and grow the next generation of believers.  


This summer we took a look at Psalm 127. This Psalm of ascent claims that unless our houses are built on a foundation guided by the Lord, the work we do is meaningless. The stakes are high and the reward worthwhile when it comes to the responsibility of overseeing the lives of our children and households. We must have the desire to fulfill the God given roles placed upon us to lead/parent in the home. So, what are these roles, and how do we establish habits of our households that build upon the foundation of the Lord?  


Whether you have children, are newly married, or are empty nesters, the word of God gives us clear directions in how the man and woman are to care/love one another in the home. See Ephesians 5:21-33, Colossians 3:18-20, and 1 Peter 3:7. All these passages point to the wife following the lead of her husband and the husband's command to love their wives as Christ loved his church. Each role carries its own responsibility, but ultimately each one will, in unison, build a house firm in the Lord. 


In preparation of writing this post, I revisited a book entitled Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. In answering some of the above questions, I will use snippets of the book as examples for creating habits in a biblical way. I highly recommend this book. Habits of the Household is a book to be read and acted upon. Before diving into habits, I leave you with this thought from the book….”it is possible to establish new rhythms, even today - because God isn’t through with us yet.” 

  1. What is the first Habit one should create? 

If you, like me, desire to lead your household well and create habits that give God glory, your relationship with God must be the first priority. We must understand that without our lives centered on Christ we cannot begin to lead/parent in a manner that brings God glory. So, what habits should a person establish for this relationship to grow?  

  • Consistent prayer: We must pray on the mountain tops and in the valleys. We must pray in thanksgiving, in times of need, and for the future of your family.  

  • Daily Scripture Reading: This is difficult for most Americans (I know it is for me). We busy up our schedule with things that are usually meaningless, especially when evaluating through the lens of leading our house. To develop a scripture reading habit first, we need to be honest with ourselves. Honestly evaluate how you spend your time. Then either get rid of meaningless things, or discipline yourself to wake up earlier, or go to bed later. I know for myself I find it easier to read at night, so I stay up later to pray and read my Bible. 

While there are other spiritual habits that deepen your relationship with the Lord, I know these two will help kick start you in the right direction. 

  1. When are practical times to begin implementing these habits?

I think one of the most intimidating things (at least for me) when creating these habits is knowing when to start?  The biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't reinvent the wheel. Sit down with your spouse and evaluate areas that you can naturally begin to create/develop habits centered around the Lord that may be missing.  


I think for most of us there are natural times where we can easily incorporate giving God glory. The first time is at mealtimes, ensuring we are praying before each meal. Take turns praying and allow your kids to be heavily involved. Rid the house of distractions and be intentional with mealtime. I know life is busy, but the conversations had around the dinner table can be so fruitful for the family.  


Bedtime is another natural time in which to incorporate these habits. Pray before bed, reading from the Bible or a book that leads to a discussion about the Lord. I know for my little ones, bedtime is not their favorite part of the night. It is a time that I must lean on God and pray for patience as we create a bedtime routine that is pleasing to Him. 


Lastly, I think of family worship. This can be a multitude of things; singing, family devotional time, daily conversations about the gospel, etc…. My oldest loves music just as much as I do. My favorite thing to do with him during the week is to create a playlist of songs we will sing each Sunday. Throughout the week, we play those songs during our car rides. It brings me so much joy to hear my child lifting his voice in song, and participating with his church on Sunday mornings, joyfully praising our Lord.  


I leave you with this; building these habits may seem intimidating, but don't let that stop you. Start small and insert new habits slowly. Take a look at your schedule and thoughtfully adjust your calendar. We all have areas of wasted time in our lives. Take control of the wasted time and spend it on building/preparing your household to know and love the Lord. I hope that as you continue the journey of building a house pleasing to God that you stay the course. Look to those around you that model this well, ask questions, be humble, and cling to God. 



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