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The Importance of Small Groups

Restoration Church

I’ll be up front: my small group is amazing. I love it. And when we break for the summer, I miss every single person and the chaos of all our children in one space. 

We dive deeper into our faith and growing our relationships all while balancing babies and toddlers on our hips, side-stepping rambunctious school-age kids, and enjoying dessert (and sometimes warm coffee). 

On that same night, I know somewhere else in town is another small group that is quieter, less chaotic, and sits while eating their dessert and drinking hot coffee. They are also diving deep into their faith and growing their relationships.  

No matter what the dynamic of the small group looks like, the foundation and purpose remain the same: to develop disciples. 

In Acts 2:46 it is documented that the early church met both corporately and, in their homes, finding fellowship and spiritual growth by doing so. When we come together each week in our small groups, we have the opportunity to build more intimate relationships, identify and cultivate spiritual gifts, and prioritize spiritual maturity. We get to help each other pursue Jesus and act as the hands and feet by displaying Jesus’ love in our own neighborhoods.  

It is important for small groups to meet regularly, break bread, and learn and apply Bible teachings. But the real impact can be felt in our neighborhoods, when others who may not join with us corporately see the ministry happening in our homes and become curious. Your neighbor next door who won’t attend church may be willing to talk during a driveway basketball game. Someone who has never met a true believer and is asking questions and learning in ways that aren’t possible in large-group settings could find a place in the small-group that meets in your home. Those who follow Jesus are commanded to live authentically on display so that others seeking can see what living on mission for Jesus Christ looks like. When we intentionally meet in our small groups, our neighbors will notice and opportunities for gospel conversations will start to form.

God is always weaving and working for our good. Joining a small group this fall may be what God is calling you to pursue to continue to sanctify you while also leading others to live in relationship with Him.

Acts 2:46-47 ESV says it best. “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” 

Written by Toni Fatka 



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