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Theology Matters

Restoration Church

W hat is your theology? Many people probably wouldn’t ask the question this way, but everyone has a theology. Theology is the study (ology) of God (theos). The self-evaluation question to ask is this: “is my theology biblical”? 

When live in a culture that is rapidly moving towards post modernism and away from biblical values. The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy (1 Timothy 4:1-5) that in “later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings…” What does that mean? It’s a warning that people would move away from the Bible and have viewpoints that are founded on deceitful things.  

So…theology matters. What you believe about God matters. What you believe about mankind matters. What you believe about sin matters. Since all of this matters, I want to encourage you to study theology! You should study it privately as you dig into the Word of God, but you should also study theology in groups. Let me invite you to do just that this fall in Theology 101.  

As part of Theology 101, we’ll talk about the different types of theological approaches which will help inform our studies of the doctrine of God, man, sin, salvation, etc. 



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